Montag, August 07, 2017

Feministischer Polizeistaat, Männerhaus in Texas – News vom 7. August 2017

1. Die Liberalen Männer in der FDP sind gegründet. Alles Weitere folgt.

2. Die bekannte US-amerikanische Feministin Lena Dunham meldete ein privates Gespräch zweier Flugbegleiterinnen, das sie als "transphob" betrachtete, der zuständigen Fluggesellschaft. Während Dunhams Vorwürfe nicht bestätigt werden konnten, macht ihr Verhalten, das als typisch für sogenannte "Social Justice Warrors" betrachtet wird, so manchem Beobachter Sorge. Lena Dunham Epitomizes Our Self-Enforcing Police State kommentiert Robert Tracinski für das politische Magazin "The Federalist".

3. Die L.A.Times berichtet über eine Zuflucht für geprügelte Männer in Texas. Ein Auszug:

Studies have long shown that men and women are on the receiving end at more or less equal rates, though women are much more likely to be injured and to report it.

Last year, the National Domestic Violence Hotline received 12,046 calls and messages from men who said they were victims in abusive relationships — a fraction of the 119,470 interactions with women but a 73% increase from 2014.

"The biggest challenge these men face is that people don’t believe them," said Paige Flink, chief executive of the Family Place, which opened its male shelter in May. "We’ve gone through a lot of work to get to where women are believed, but now the pendulum has swung to the point that men are assumed to be the aggressor."

(...) The feminist movement has long resisted the idea that domestic violence against men is a significant social problem. In 1975, when sociologists at the University of New Hampshire published a study suggesting that women were just as likely as men to assault their partners, the researchers faced widespread criticism — including death threats and bomb scares.

Wer diese feministische Einseitigkeit kritisierte, wurde noch vor ein paar Tagen von der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung als "antifeministisch" neben Björn Höcke & Co. einsortiert.

4. Die Filmemacherin Cassie Jaye, die mit ihrer Männerrechtler-Doku "The Red Pill" für internationale Aufmerksamkeit sorgte, berichtet jenen, die ihre Arbeit durch Spenden unterstützen, regelmäßig von den neuesten Entwicklungen. Einen aktuellen Bericht von ihr finde ich erwähnenswert. Cassie Jaye teilte darin am Samstag folgendes mit:

Last night was The Red Pill's 4th film festival screening!

The 1st was the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema, the 2nd was the Louisiana International Film Festival, the 3rd was Digital Hollywood's Digifest and last night The Red Pill screened at the FLY Film Festival in Enid, Oklahoma!

I must say, the FLY festival screening was probably the quietest screening of the film that I've ever attended. I sat in the back row with my producer/mother Nena Jaye and we didn't see anyone talk to their neighbor, laugh, gasp, etc ...

It was just a really quiet screening, which of course made me nervous for the Q&A. What did they think of the film? I had no idea.

Well, the Q&A was very quick. The festival's schedule only allowed us time for 2 questions (since The Red Pill is almost 2 hours long and they had to start the next screening). The questions were: 1. Why didn't you show more of the PUA and MGTOW communities? 2. Have you received any positive reviews from feminist publications like Ms. Magazine? If you've seen my previous interviews/Q&A videos, you can guess how I answered.

Once I finished answering, the festival organizers concluded the Q&A and thanked my mom and I for being there. To our surprise, one-by-one people started to stand while clapping loudly. As I looked out into the audience, I realized many of them had been crying and still had tears in their swollen red eyes. At that point I knew why the screening was so quiet. Each person in the theater appeared to be processing their own emotions, either from their own life experiences or thinking of their friends, relatives or co-workers.

Overall, I'd say the audience was about 60% female, 40% male. It was a pretty good mixture of ages. There were a few high schoolers, many 20-40 year olds, and probably up to 70.

After the Q&A, in the lobby, my mom and I talked to quite a few people. I remember one man said he drove 4 hours from Texas just to attend the screening and to meet me. He was also a Kickstarter backer and said how glad he was with the final result. The Red Pill's Kickstarter was almost 2 years ago, and I still shake my head in astonishment that it worked out the way it did. It so easily could have not reached the goal and the film would have never been made. Crazy to think how that Kickstarter changed the course of everything.

I also met a couple who drove over an hour to attend the screening. They had already seen the film a few times on Amazon, and they said they even bought some DVDs to give as presents to their friends that they said "needed it”.

Then, I met one woman who said she served in the military for over two decades. She loved the film and was welling up and shaking. It was her first time watching the film. She only knew about it because she was a volunteer at the festival. She told me she had thought of many of these things before but could never articulate it or pinpoint what was going on. She didn't give me specifics, so I can only imagine, but she said the film was going to be the shift that our culture needs.

I spoke to many more people, and I won't describe all of them, but one thing I found fascinating was that I spoke to 3 different women who work or have worked at domestic violence shelters in Oklahoma. I spoke to them separately and they didn't come together, but they all said essentially the same thing: they knew there were male victims calling in and needing assistance, but their shelter didn't have any system built in to support them. All they could do was refer the men to other shelters out of state, but they didn't know what happened to them or if they ever received assistance. As these 3 women talked to me, I could tell the film really made them think in new ways about their time at their various shelters. I didn't sense any blaming or dismissive tone from them (like blaming the men or dismissing them as victims), I sensed more of a sorrow that they hadn't thought about it more before. One woman left me saying she's going to bring a DVD of The Red Pill to the shelter where she works and share it with the staff there. With her eyes wide and sad, staring past me, she said "I have a lot of questions".

Sobald man es schafft, der Öffentlichkeit die notwendigen Informationen zu vermitteln, kann dort sogar Mitgefühl für das Leiden von Männern entstehen. Allerdings belegt gerade der Fall Cassie Jayes, der wer immer das tut, bei dieser Aufgabe auch zahlreiche persönliche Attacken und Verleumdungen zu überstehen hat.

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